Announcing $RUBY Token Launch Schedule (UTC)

Ruby Protocol
5 min readJan 19, 2024



Whitelist Round (Round 1) / 1AM — 5AM, Jan 25th

Early Bird Round (Round 2) / 5AM — 1PM, Jan 25th

Public Round (Round 3) / 1PM, Jan 25th — 1PM, Jan 28th

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If you are ready, we would like to welcome you to the official $RUBY Token Launch. As mentioned in our previous announcement, we break the $RUBY Token Launch in the following rounds:

Round 1: Whitelist Round @

Round 2: Early Bird Round @

Round 3: Public Round @ Fjord Foundry

From 1AM, Jan 25th to 1PM, Jan 28th (UTC)

Round 1: Whitelist Round

  • UTC Time: 1AM Jan 25th — 5AM Jan 25th
  • Location:
  • Only Open to Whitelisted Addresses
  • Allocation: 30,000,000 RUBY (3%)
  • Price: 1 ETH = 83,333 RUBY @ 30M ($0.03), 1ETH per address
  • Lockup: 1/3 on TGE, monthly vesting for 2 months

Round 2: Early Bird Round

  • UTC Time: 5AM Jan 25th — 1PM Jan 25th
  • Location:
  • Open to All
  • Allocation:30,000,000 RUBY (3%)
  • Price: 1 ETH = 62,500 RUBY @ $40M ($0.04)
  • Lockup: 1/3 on TGE, monthly vesting for 2 months

Round 3: Public Round

  • UTC Time: 1PM Jan 25th — 1PM Jan 28th
  • Location: Fjord Foundry
  • Open to All
  • Allocation: 50,000,000 RUBY (5%)
  • Lockup: 100% on TGE, no vesting

Why $RUBY Token Sale?

This is a very common fundraising method used in this space, which usually involves distributing a portion of a project’s native tokens to a select group of users.

We envision this token sale event will allow more participants to join and contribute to the Ruby Protocol ecosystem and, in return, receive the native utility tokens that serve as the backbone of this project.

These rounds will also help Ruby Protocol establish a more decentralized network as more users claim their $RUBY tokens, which improves the project’s security, minimizes the risk of central control and encourages censorship resistance.

Please keep in mind that a project with a big and diversified token holder base is more likely to garner interest and adoption from a wide range of stakeholders, including users, developers, investors, and businesses.

Wider adoption can contribute to the project’s success and sustainability, which explains a lot of our strategies.

How Will The Funds Be Used?

The fund usage will be broken down into several aspects, but 100% of the funds raised will be used to develop Ruby Protocol.

Development and Research

Our current services are Account Abstraction (AA), Assets Bridge (AB), and Access Control (AC), all of which are people-centric and intent-centric. We expect these applications to play a significant role in the following market cycle, focusing more on user experience and web2 compatibility. Therefore, a substantial percentage of the funds raised will be directed to our developers, researchers, and other technical staff to focus on improving our present products and creating a more comprehensive solution matrix.

Promotion and Community Building

We have been preaching for years that what we do is more than technical. It is sometimes more about raising awareness and altering mindsets. When similarity fosters credibility, we must continue spending on branding and product marketing to grow our user and developer base. This includes advertising, public relations, community participation, and promotional activities to attract users and developers.

Day to Day Operation

General running expenses, such as domain hosting, software licensing, and consultancy fees, are typically covered by funds raised. These expenses ensure that the project operates successfully daily.

Security and Audits

A lot of what we do at Ruby Protocol is intimately related to user funds; therefore, product security is crucial. Funds will be set aside for security audits, penetration testing, and other steps to protect us from potential weaknesses and threats.

Reserve Funds

Reserve funds are placed aside to deal with unexpected obstacles, capitalize on opportunities, and provide financial stability. We will conduct periodic reviews so the community can assess its use in light of the project’s changing demands and market conditions.

The Utilities of $RUBY?

$RUBY is the native token of the Ruby Protocol that stakers deposit as collateral to run and govern the protocol. Blockchain needs a privacy layer to support data monetization. Crypto users need a set of applications to help them manage their crypto lives.

The utility of $RUBY includes but is not limited to:

  • Staking: All the nodes are required to stake $RUBY to secure the decentralization of the Ruby Protocol.
  • Governance: $RUBY token holders can create and vote for proposals. Token holders can vote for protocol upgrades.
  • Payment: $RUBY will be used as the payment method for transaction fees occurring on the network and applications.
  • Incentive: $RUBY can be used to encourage users to participate in the network.

Holders of RUBY tokens can make proposals in the following ways following the rules:

  • System code upgrade;
  • Adjustment of system governance parameters, such as handling fee, amount of Staked RUBY, etc.;
  • Modification of governance rules;
  • Addition or modification of product features;
  • Financial support and incentive plan;

Who Is Behind $RUBY and Ruby Protocol?

The Ruby Protocol team comprises seasoned engineers, cryptographers, data scientists, and early cryptocurrency adopters. Our team has a profound understanding of cryptographic encryption and zero-knowledge algorithms. The expertise in cryptography has allowed us to deliver impressive results. The team’s background consists of both engineering and academic backgrounds.

We also form a community-driven foundation powered by the most cutting-edge permissionless technology, a Web3-native governance structure, and the native $RUBY token.

By building a seamless and user-friendly privacy-centric access control protocol, the Ruby Foundation will help push the world into a future where individuals have ultimate control over their data and privacy.

You can also reach us via our official Email:


  • Please conduct your own research (DYOR) and do so thoroughly. Only you can make decisions based on research gleaned from multiple sources.
  • You agree that investing in cryptocurrencies is inherently risky activities. As such, you must conduct your due diligence before buying or selling any cryptocurrency or NFT and come to your conclusions.
  • The beauty of the new crypto era lies in your ability to make well-researched and deliberate decisions to gain a complete control over your finances.
  • Never invest more than you can afford.

About Us

Ruby Protocol is an Intent-Centric Account & Access Layer for Web3.

We are building an intent-centric, interoperable, and privacy-preserving infrastructure for Web3 future. Our services, including Account Abstraction (AA), Assets Bridge (AB), Access Control (AC) and much more, are designed to accelerate Web3 development and its mass adoption.

We aim to make Web3 seamless and effortless to everyone everywhere.


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Ruby Protocol
Ruby Protocol

Written by Ruby Protocol

Building a programmable privacy & access control middleware framework encrypted with zero-knowledge proofs (zkp) algorithms.

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